Saturday, November 20, 2010

Wanna know how big our God is??

I should be packing, and I'm blogging.
But this is a story that just has to be told.

Waaaaaayyy back when we (I) first called the agency to ask about "Brett" (his name on the AWAA website), I was told that another family had it for review and that they were most likely moving forward. I swallowed hard and took it, at the same time just wondering why I had such a strong pull towards this child. Fast forward about 10 days and M calls and says the family that had the file decided not to proceed. Within two weeks we began paperwork to bring Asher home.

About a month later, I get an email from the family that reviewed the file. The one that had it when I originally called. In a nutshell, it said, "Emily, there was nooooo reason WHY we didn't want this baby. We could handle the need, we were falling for those eyes...but the Lord simply told us "no." "This child is not yours."

She proceeded to tell me, "we now know why....because his mama and daddy were in Georgia...."


Fast forward a few weeks later and this same family announces they are moving forward with a little boy on our agency Yahoo group.....from Asher's orphanage......with a similar special need....and the same age....

Paperchasing months go by and when we receive our updates, I get an email from the mama..."Issac is in that picture!!!! Eating Asher's cake!!!!" Bless my heart!!!

A few more months go by....and last week, we learned that we'll be getting the boys

And we're traveling in the same group.

Which means....our boys will go through this massive change in their lives, for at least the first two weeks....

And you know what that means for them?


Don't ever, ever let anyone tell you that the Lord does not LOVE his CHILDREN!!!!

I told ya'll...the Lord just blows me away most days. Know what else?

God blesses obedience.

What if they had ignored the Lord? This family obeyed....even when it didn't make sense. Even when the only reason to say "no" was because the LORD SAID SO.
 And we said yes. Even when it didn't make sense. Even when it felt crazy, and out of reach and well,....crazy.

God blesses obedience.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the LORD, "and will bring you back from captivity. "

Jeremiah 29:11-14

Issac, and Asher....we're coming BOYS!!!

(Issac eating Asher's cake in the background!!)


  1. Chills! God is weaving together some incredible stories all for His glory!

  2. Yep. God does that. Over and over and over. What's sad is that so many people don't see it. So happy you had eyes to see and ears to hear. And now you've got feet ready to GO!

  3. yay! awesome! God is so good and faithful!

  4. how far away are yalls boys orphanage from Guangzhou?

  5. the orphanage is 28 MILES from the hotel!!!!!!!!!!!!! We ARE requesting a visit!

  6. Tears. Lots.of.tears! Every child has a story and what a sweet one Asher will have to share as he grows.

  7. I love that! So amazing! But then is our God!

  8. I love him! So precious. Can't wait until you have him in your arms...

  9. wow 28 miles you better have those cameras ready when you walk out of your hotel.. Our is 6 hours and we are planing a visit and a overnight stay in her city of Maoming...So one night we will have 4 hotels rooms :(

  10. Tears, tears, tears of joy! Oh, how I love to read of the things only a GREAT BIG God can do. I'm excited to be following your journey and working with you as we begin ours.

  11. Emily, that is SO AMAZING on so many levels. You are right, that story needs to be told. Thank you for obeying God in the big things (adoption) and in the little ones too (telling us about it). :-)
