Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Interrupted Life and an update!

This Spring our Ladies Bible Study will once again be studying Mrs. Priscilla Shirer. This time last year I did my first PS Bible Study, "One in a Million," that God used so mightily in the decision to proceed with another adoption. It was a Bible Study that literally changed my ideas about how I pursue the Lord and what I want and desire from my relationship with Him.

So when I got the email that we were doing another of hers, I was sooo thrilled!! Here's just a taste:

"God's call on your life, what He's asking you to surrender to right now in this season, means that He has chosen you above anyone else to do what He's asking. You are the one He singled out as His partner for a particular project. Whether it's parenting a special needs child (hello), starting a Bible Study, or even, like Jonah, reaching out to people you'd rather avoid, He's purposefully given you the high honor of being the one He deemed suited for a task with heavenly implications.

A supernatural outcome waits on the horizon for anyone who chooses to partner with God. So go ahead, sit on the edge of your seat in anticipation and accept the interruption as the GIFT that it is.

God offers you a chance to write a story of eternal significance, and it all begins...with an interruption."

Y'all I just LOVE this woman and her thoughts. What I wouldn't give to just sit and talk to her for 20 minutes! So much of it resonates with me I can even begin to share it all!

Life was certainly "interrupted" for us a year ago. We were d.o.n.e. and had even made the comment to one another, "maybe this will be an easy year, not to much going on, just relax and live life." HA! Just a few weeks later we were back in the process, this time for Asher. I can remember "discussing" with the Lord why this was not the best plan, why I was not qualified, why someone else would be better, and Lord, why in the WORLD do you think we are capable of this again, and I AM SO TIRED ALREADY!!!!

I was in the car having my quiet time (my regular place when I get home from the gym at 6:45am...keep my bible and journal in the car, works great:) and came across this verse:

Matthew 9:37
"Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few."

The Lord just said to me, "there are better mothers, there are those with more money and bigger houses and more patience and less children. But they are not willing. The workers are few."

And at the end of my life, heck, right now in my life, one thing I don't ever want the Lord to say of me is, "she was not willing." I can only imagine the things I have missed out on and would have missed out on, had I not been at the place where I was willing. And I don't sugar coat things, it's hard. Have you heard me say that before? :) I think so but let me repeat it...hard. hard hard hard. But worth it. over and over and over again.

God just wants people who will take these life "interruptions" and say yes.

 I cannot wait to get into this study!!!

Finally, a little update on my precious little 17lb "interruption:"

I haven't taken his picture since the night we got home. he's saying "can I get an "amen!"
He stopped eating the little he was in China as soon as we landed, but after 6 days, he ate a carton of yogurt!
He slept 13 hours last night, and I'm saying, "can I get an "amen!"
He just melts everyone who comes to see him :)
He's sleeping in his crib and exploring the house!
Next week we have 2 Dr. appts, I'll update after those. I'm interested to see if he's gained any weight.

We had a "Happy Birthday Jesus" party tonight with friends!! She had her camera so I'll post pics when I get them. I can't believe Christmas is 3 days away. Although... I already got what I wanted...all my babies home :)


1 comment:

  1. Just a joy to read this post and know you guys are getting over the jet lag, feeling pretty good, and having a great time with Asher. Sounds like he's doing pretty well if he went back to eating again. Such a hard adjustment over so little time. Looking forward to seeing you guys again soon!
